Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Feels like home?!

Home... Is where your heart is, where your rump roasts, where you spend time with the ones you love. Home is the cute three bedroom house with the picket fence. It's the place in the country surrounded by fifty acres of land, it's the studio appartment downtown. To all of us, home is someplace different, however, we ultimately have one thing in common, it's the place we create memories in.  The place that we go to in order to feel comfortable, happy and content.  It holds all of the 'stuff' that we love, and protects us from the storms.

We had the perfect starter home for our little family, a place that was a product of hard work and love. We had many wonderful times spent with our military family, and our immediate family when they would visit. It kept us safe from the storms of life for half of the time we were in Virginia. It housed smiles and laughter, happiness and tears. We left this beautiful house one year ago, to join the civilian world, and raise our family closer to the family that raised us. Today that house, is the only one that I will have shared with my husband. The only house we picked out together, the one that holds both of our love and tears.  The memories will always remain with me, for they are etched into my heart and soul.

 I will take these memories with me to our new house, hopeful that one day it will feel like home, just as Virginia did.  Our new house is cute, perfect for what I need right now with three little kids. Finding it, however was a challenge, emotionally. I think back to what we wanted in our next house, the dreams and visions of the life we'd create from here on out. Those will have to remain dreams... I didnt have my husband there to include his smart comments about it not having enough room, enough projects to keep him busy, to say yea this is it, or  lets keep looking.  I did have my family, but they won't be living there, so it's all on me, to choose the place to raise my babies.
 If I've learned anything in my life, it's to always follow your gut. That crazy little "person" inside of you, telling you what you should do. That gut kept bringing me back to one house, the house I hope to make a beautiful, fun and loving home for us. It will be filled with the loving spirit of my husband for I see him shine through the kids daily. We will have his pictures on the walls, and share the same traditions we did before he passed away. Although home will never be as it was, it can still carry the love and traditions we created.  It will be the place I go with the ones I love, the place to help protect us from the storm...


  1. Kudos on the blogging start. I have not done well keeping up with mine. Hopefully you will do better than I did! :) So excited for your new home, although I know that it is bittersweet. Excited for pictures!

  2. He would be happy with your choice. You did well Barb. Trust your gut, like you said. I will still be there to unclog your shitters =) this is Virginia Oshkosh. Love you.
